My curiosity was further piqued when I learned that the real One World Trade Center was actually in the game during a demo at E3 in June of 2018, less than 4 months before the final game was set to be released to the public! Interestingly enough, the in-game design looks to be based on Libeskind’s original design for Freedom Tower (an interesting recap of the changes can be found here), lending further credence to the theory that this building is supposed to be 1WTC. (credit to Polygon because I was too lazy to get this off my PS4 myself) Here’s what the “Freedom Tower” looks like in the game: Why are equally famous buildings like the Empire State Building accurately depicted, but the Freedom Tower isn’t? Except, it’s not the Freedom Tower, despite being located in the exact same location as its real-life counterpart. As you’re swinging through the city, you’re treated to great views of Manhattan’s skyline, anchored by the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, and Freedom Tower. While some are unique to the Marvel universe, like Avengers Tower and Uncle Ben’s grave, many exist in the real world and are faithfully reproduced within the game: Williamsburg/Brooklyn/Manhattan/Queensboro Bridges all make an appearance, as does Grand Central, Madison Square Garden, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Columbus Circle, the High Line and many more points of reference. The game leans into this realism-it even includes a challenge where you can take photos of in-game landmarks. I found myself using real-world landmarks to orient myself as I slinged (slunged?) across Manhattan. The developers nailed the look and feel of the city. If you’ve spent any appreciable amount of time in New York, the in-game world will immediately feel familiar.

And since Spider-Man, canonically, lives in real-life New York City, this means you’ll spend hours webbing around an incredibly detailed version of the city that never sleeps. The game is features an open-world, which means you can travel around the game map as you see fit. The game at the top of my list? Spider-Man, which was widely recognized as one of the top games of 2018. Like many people across the world, I’m using my quarantine effectively: by catching up on all the video games I wasn’t able to play while traveling.